About Us
Here’s a bit about who we are.
What we believe
We are a Gospel centered, Bible believing, Family Friendly Church. We hold the Scriptures, as God’s word, to be without error and having authority in all matters of faith and practice. We believe an accurate and beautiful summation of Biblical doctrine is expressed in the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. As such all of our Pastors, Elders, and Deacons hold to this confession, and all biblical teaching within our church will be in agreement with this confession.
It is our prayer that
“...this small volume may aid the cause of the glorious gospel by testifying plainly what are its leading doctrines. This little volume is not issued as an authoritative rule, or code of faith, whereby you are to be fettered, but as an assistance to you in controversy, a confirmation in faith, and a means of edification in righteousness. Here the younger members of our church will have a body of divinity in small compass, and by means of the Scriptural proofs, will be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in them."
Quote from C. H. Spurgeon
Our Leaders

Ian Goodman
Ian’s passion is that the people of God might be built up in all the means of grace and especially through the preaching of the word of God. That in this way we might live lives pleasing to God, full of prayer, holiness, and gospel proclamation. Ian is married to Angelene and has four children. Ian loves the outdoors, especially hunting (but don’t worry, very few animals have ever been harmed by him).
Philip Dhinakar
Philip with his wife Nahomi and three children immigrated from Chennai in India in 2005. He works as an accountant in an Auckland firm. He loves reading theological books. He also has a keen interest in books and documentaries that deal with the days leading to the two world wars, and their aftermath. He loves to watch cricket and NBA. His great joy has been to see his children come to faith and go on to serve the Lord.

Abraham Oseterika
Abraham describes himself as a sinner saved by God’s amazing grace. He lived a sinful God-hating life before the Lord encountered him through a Youtube video where he had heard the preaching of the gospel. He was not attending a Church or friends with any Christians at the time but at the moment of being born again (John 3:3) he desired to be with God’s people. By God’s grace he has been attending South City from 2015, serves as a Deacon and has a passion for God’s word to be proclaimed to the lost through evangelism. Abraham is happily married to his wife Shonelle and they are blessed with five children. Abraham loves spending time with his family, enjoys watching combat sports & playing video games.
Joseph Prakasa
Though Joe was born and brought up in a Christian household, he came to know Jesus as his Saviour at a later age when the Lord opened his spiritual eyes to the fact that he was desperately sinful. In his words, "God has transformed me and I am no longer the person I used to be, and He is still sanctifying me. Because Jesus has covered me with His righteousness, I have the joy and hope of eternal life. I want to spend my earthly life serving Him and His church to the best of my abilities." Being technically savvy, Joe has become indispensable to South City as the go-to person for managing all our equipment. He is happily married to Hannah and blessed with two children.

Elijah Papali'i
Raised in a traditional Samoan family, for a long time Elijah genuinely believed that he had a true understanding of the gospel, but it was not until one Sunday in 2015 that his spiritual eyes were opened. He describes that event like this: The justice and wrath of God that should have fallen upon me, had instead fallen upon my Savior. My sins, though many, had truly been forgiven. The tremendous weight of guilt and humiliation, which consumed me for so long had been lifted. Through the Blood of Jesus Christ that was shed on the cross for my sins, I have now been redeemed. His death, burial, and resurrection have given me peace and fellowship with God."
Organised and reliable, Elijah attends to the needs of God's people. He is married to his lovely wife June.
Leone Fuahala
Leon hails from a traditional Tongan family. When he came to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus in his youth, he was blessed with an insatiable thirst for the word of God. In his words, "I began to notice then that I wanted to attend church, I wanted to read the Bible, because I was eager to pursue and know God and longed to know Him more. These are things I had no desires for previously. Ever since my conversion, I have been growing in the grace and the knowledge of Jesus Christ. I have never looked back nor will I ever turn back, I know this because God has been so faithful to me, keeping me and sustaining me in his Grace and Mercy."
He is married to Sanah and they are blessed with four sons and a daughter.

Our History
In God’s providence, South City church came into existence in September 2014, with 15 founding members. Alfie Orr was the pastor with Dave Aiken and Philip Dhinakar as deacons. The first service was held on 7 September 2014, at 11 Alicante Avenue, Manurewa.
From 9 November 2014, the church started meeting at Waimahia Intermediate School in Clendon. This was where South City’s Sunday School started with a single child. On 22 July 2018, the church started meeting at our current location at 83 Maplesden Drive in Clendon Park.
John Bycroft has been a vital part of South City Church since its inception. The church is grateful to the Lord for his commitment, devotion and generosity.
Alfie Orr continued to pastor the church till his retirement in July 2021, when Ian Goodman took over from him.